5 tips to turn your basic English into business English

Are you looking to improve your English language skills for business purposes? If so, you’re not alone. Many people learn English as a second language for the sole purpose of advancing their careers.

Business English is a specific type of English that is used in professional settings. It includes the vocabulary and grammar that you need to communicate effectively in a business setting.

In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to improve your English language skills for business purposes. We’ll help you learn the vocabulary and grammar you need to communicate effectively in a variety of business settings.

1: Learn business vocabulary

Before you can effectively communicate in a business setting, you need to learn the vocabulary necessary for the job. Here are some tips for learning business vocabulary.

Make flashcards – If you’re trying to learn a lot of new vocabulary, you’re going to need to set time aside each day to practice. A wonderful way to do this is to make flashcards.

You can write vocabulary words on one side and their definitions on the other. Then, spend 5-10 minutes each day going through your flashcards.

Identify your weaknesses – If you’re trying to learn a bunch of new vocabulary all at once, it can be overwhelming. Make it easier on yourself by identifying your weaknesses.

What types of words do you struggle to remember when you come across them in your reading? Once you know what you need to focus on, it will be easier to learn the vocabulary you need.

Use a vocabulary-building app – If you need a little extra help learning business vocabulary, there are apps available that can help. These apps are like flashcards on steroids. You can select the type of words you want to learn, and the app will create custom decks for you.

Read professional magazines – If you’re struggling to find reading material that includes the type of vocabulary you need to learn, try reading professional magazines. These publications often include words and phrases that you’ll encounter at work.

You can also follow our Learn a Word section to improve your vocabulary.

2: Understand common business grammar

In addition to learning new vocabulary, you also need to understand common business grammar so that you can communicate effectively in a business setting.

Here are some tips for understanding business grammar.

Identify your grammatical weaknesses – If you’re trying to learn all the business grammar rules at once, it can be overwhelming. Make it easier on yourself by identifying your weaknesses.

What grammar rules do you struggle to remember when you come across them in your reading? Once you know what you need to focus on, it will be easier to learn the grammar you need.

Read professional magazines – If you’re struggling to find reading material that includes the business grammar rules you need to learn, try reading professional magazines. These publications often include examples of the grammar you need to know.

3: Be aware of cultural differences

You may think that you know all there is to know about English, but there are cultural differences between English as a first language and English as a second language that you might not know about.

Here are some tips for being aware of cultural differences.

Be aware of different customs – While English is the same all over the world, different cultures have different customs.

For example, where you stand when you meet someone, what you eat at meetings, and how you dress in the workplace can vary from culture to culture. These simple customs can help you make a positive impression and be more effective at work.

Learn about different business practices – Beyond simple customs, various business practices also vary from culture to culture. For example, decision-making practices (who makes decisions and how they’re made), management structures, and even the hours people work can vary.

Be sure to do your research so you avoid causing offence and can be as effective as possible.

Read professional magazines – Reading professional magazines from the world over can give you ideas about business practices followed in different countries. These publications often include examples of cultural differences that you should be aware of.

4: Practice your English language skills regularly

If you want to improve your English language skills for business purposes, you need to practice regularly. Here are some tips for practicing your English language skills.

Practice with a friend – Nothing will improve your spoken English skills more than regular conversation with real people. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find people to talk with, especially if you’re not in a big city.

If you can’t find a language exchange partner, consider using a language app like HelloTalk. These apps are like online language exchanges.

Set a daily vocabulary and grammar goal – It’s easy to let your English language skills slide when you’re not actively trying to improve them. Set a daily goal for words and grammar rules you want to learn. Make sure to review these words and grammar rules daily.

5: Get a certificate in business English

If you want to take your English language skills to the next level, you can get a certificate in business English. Here are some tips for getting a certificate in business English.

Find an English institute near you – You can find an English institute near you by browsing the internet. Make sure the institute offers a certificate in business English.

Research the programs offered – When you’ve found a couple of institutes you’re interested in, research the programs they offer. Look for programs that include the vocabulary and grammar you need to learn.

Choose a program that fits your learning style – Everyone learns differently, so you should choose a program that fits your learning style. Some programs are strictly instructor-led, while others are taught through online videos.

You can find many courses from the website of British Council. Read more about it from our post, Learn and improve your English from British Council website.


Hopefully, this article has helped you understand how you can turn your basic English into business English.

By following the tips in this article, you can improve your English language skills for business purposes.

Make sure to practice regularly and you’ll see results soon enough.

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