How To Write a Cover Letter for Your Resume

When you’re looking for a job, you will usually be asked to supply a CV and a cover letter. The cover letter is an opportunity for you to sell yourself to the employer. It’s your chance to show them that you are the right person for the job and why. 

A cover letter should not be just a list of previous jobs and educational details; it needs to stand out as much as your CV does. You need to write something that stands out from all other applications, giving the hiring manager no choice but to give you an interview. 

In this article, we will explain what a cover letter is, what it is usually used for and how you can create one if you are applying for a job.

What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a letter of introduction that you send with your resume when applying for jobs. It allows you to explain any weaknesses you may have in your CV and provides you with an opportunity to state why you would make a great employee. 

You may also see it referred to as a letter of application or a letter of solicitation. A cover letter is important because it allows you to show the employer that you really want the job. 

If you just send your resume, it might be one of dozens; but with a cover letter, you show that it is important to you and that you want to work for them. Employers look for people who will be dedicated to the job and want to work for them long term. 

If you just send a resume, they have no idea how much you want the job; but with a cover letter, they know. So, it is particularly important to have a good covering letter if you want to make the right impression on the employer.

Why do you need a cover letter?

A cover letter is used to provide additional information about your resume. For example, if you have been out of work for a while, or you have been in non-traditional roles, a cover letter can help explain this. It is also a good place to elaborate on your skills and abilities. 

In a cover letter, you can talk about what you have achieved and how you would like to apply those skills for this employer. It gives you an opportunity to sell yourself. 

Remember, a cover letter is usually the first thing an employer will see about you. They may just be skimming through hundreds of applications, so you need to make sure it stands out and is memorable.

How to write a good cover letter

Choose the right letter type – There are two main types of cover letters: the letter of application and the letter of solicitation. The letter of application is used when applying to an advertised job. It is also used when applying for an internal job that has not been advertised. 

The letter of solicitation is used when you are making an unsolicited application to an employer. In this case, the letter should also be considered an unsolicited CV. 

Write a strong opening paragraph – The opening paragraph of your letter will make or break you; so, you need to make sure it stands out. You need to grab the reader’s attention as soon as they start reading. Think of it as a hook. You have only a few seconds to make them want to keep reading. 

Explain your skills and abilities – After your opening paragraph, the rest of the letter should be about you. The hiring manager will be skimming through the applications, just trying to find the best. You need to stand out and be more memorable than all the others. 

One way to do this is to highlight your skills and abilities. Again, you will have only a few seconds to make an impression, so make it count.

5 Tips for writing an effective cover letter

Choose the right format – There are many different formats for cover letters, so you should choose the one that works best for you. Make sure that it is easy to understand and easy to read. Again, you want to grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read what you have to say.

Don’t use clichés – Do not use clichés in your letter. Yes, they would just be lovely to work for this company and want to work for them until they retire. You want to stick out from the crowd and be memorable. You do not want to be the person that everyone else is saying the same thing as. 

Be brief – Make sure that your cover letter is not too long. It should be about one page long and have no more than a couple of paragraphs.

Keep it focused on the employer – Your cover letter should be focused on the employer. You should be asking yourself, what do they want and what do they need? 

Don’t be boring – You don’t have to be boring. In fact, you don’t want to be boring. You want to stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression.


The cover letter is an important part of the application process, and it can be difficult to know how to write it. The key is to be brief and concise, selling yourself as the best candidate for the job. 

The best way to do this is to focus on the employer and what they are looking for. You can then show them how you fit the bill. Make sure that your cover letter is well-written and error-free. 

The first thing that the employer will see is your writing, and you want that to be good. They want to see that you are a professional, so make sure that your cover letter reflects that.

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