How to Learn 2 Languages in Only 1 Year

4 Tools Used to Learn 2 Languages In Only 1 Year

There are literally thousands upon thousands of resources in gaining language fluency. Sometimes it may seem overwhelming to try and decide what tools and resources to use in your language-learning venture. However, learning and maintaining language fluency may be easier than you previously thought. Whether fully immersed in the language or simply studying at home, these four tools will increase your language learning and help you to gain language fluency much quicker than ever before.

After living in Montréal, Québec (for only about 5 months) I had become fluent (in my expressive ability as well as comprehension) and decided to pick up Spanish. With the opportunity of living in a diverse place where I could practice the two newly acquired languages often, my fluency in both French and Spanish drastically increased. Although there really is nothing better for increasing fluency than being completely immersed in a language all day long. There are a few things that can help to gain language fluency and help maintain it. A few learning materials used correctly can increase your learning ability extremely fast even just from studying minutes a day… yes only minutes a day.

Tool Number 1. Electronic Dictionary:

Literally my electronic dictionaries are the reason why my vocabulary grew extremely quickly while living in Montréal. Having a quick vocabulary reference guide with me at all times helped in so many situation and still does. The reason an electronic dictionary is immensely superior to a regular dictionary is because of the speed and quickness an unknown word or term can be identified. When actually speaking to someone, looking in a dictionary and trying to find the proper word to use takes to long and destroys fluency. However, with the convenience of having the electronic dictionary finding the proper word is fast enough to still maintain some form of fluency. No matter the situation an electronic dictionary is the most productive resource in keeping fluency within a conversation.

Tool Number 2. Verb Conjugations Book:

At first glance this book may look a little complicated filled with a lot of information. Once one can understand the importance and how to correctly use it this becomes a powerful resource. There are about 40 essential verbs to learn in order to obtain language fluency. These verb books will have the most frequently used verbs and all there conjugations for you. My advice is to always have one of these with you as a reference. Not only for speaking but writing in the chosen language too. I glance at a verb book from time to time to review the verbs I frequently use and also to add more expressive verbs to my vocabulary. If you study and review a couple of these verbs in these books a day, your language fluency will be retained and even enhanced because with more verbs in your vocabulary the more fluent you can speak.  See my Top 10 Most Important Verbs Post to help you determine where to start.

Tool Number 3. Moleskines:

Moleskine notebooks are literally the best notebooks I’ve ever used. They are extremely durable and perfectly sized for carrying in your pocket. They work perfectly for writing down new words, verbs and their conjugations, or expressions that you want to remember (and you will remember because these notebooks last). The durability is perfect for traveling and on the go use far beyond any other pocket notebook. There are several different styles and I have used them all and they are all durable and perfect for having an on the go place to put all your language learning notes.

Tool Number 4. Finding Something to Read:

This may just be the easiest tool to get your hands on. Thanks to the Internet anything you could possible want to read about is now at your fingertips. I find that reading newspapers (written in the language that I am trying to improve) is one of the best ways to broaden my vocabulary as well as stay up to date on the latest news. It doesn’t matter what you are reading as long as your focus is improving some aspect of your foreign language. Whether that means reading out loud and practicing pronunciation, strictly focusing on reading comprehension, or finding new words to add to your vocabulary. Reading is a fast way to increase foreign language comprehension as well as give you up to date information to talk about when practicing your language.

With those four tools (electronic translator, verb conjugation book, durable Moleskine notebook and something to read) you are fully armed and ready to keep learning and maintaining your language fluency. Those four tools have proven to work for me in many situations throughout my language learning. Whether I like an expression someone uses and I remember it by putting it in my Moleskine, or I am reading and don’t know a specific word and I use the electronic dictionary, my language fluency increases extremely fast. Utilizing the power of these four simple tools has been proven to work in learning and maintaining language fluency. Give them a try and see how quickly your own language learning can be.

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